Every donation made to "Little Ray of Hope" makes a difference and your support is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to donate towards the general upkeep of the pre-school (rent, water supply, electricity), food for the children’s lunch as well as allowing us to save until we can buy our own plot of land and build our own school, please email us at
We couldn’t do what we do for the children without your gracious support.
Asante sana!
$20 pays for two children to see a doctor if they fall sick
$60 buys the porridge mix and sugar to feed all our kids morning tea for one month
$80 purchases enough vegetables for the children’s lunches for an entire school term
$100 allows us to purchase enough stationary, notebooks, text books and exam papers for all the children for a school term
We are unable to use PayPal anymore for donations as they are unable to support an un-registered charity. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.